Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th July 2022 at Davenports Tea Rooms at 7.45pm.
Present: Councillors Davenport, D Antrobus, Hough, Morris, C Brierley-Jones, Bloor. County Councillor Lynn Gibbon. 30+ Residents of the Village, Mr Joseph Mitchell – Organiser Light & Life Festival
No apologies were received.
No Declarations of Interest were made.
A minutes silence was held for recently retired Councillor William Antrobus who had recently passed away. He had lived in the Village all his life and had been a Parish Councillor for over 60 years.
3. Update from CW&C
Councillor Gibbon said that there was not much to report this month.
- Enews letters were being sent out to all Council Members.
- A Breast Feeding Initiative was being promoted within the Borough
- Planning Applications were still delayed. There was a backlog of approximately 750 applications.
- Regulatory Services were investigating a number of earth dumping issues that had taken place recently.
4. (Extra item added to the Agenda on the 13th July)
Light & Life Christian Festival at Hope Farm
Heated discussions ensued from local residents who had been and were still being affected by the Light & Life Christian Festival, which was being held on land at Hope Farm and which was owned by Councillor Andrew Bloor.
Questions were raised in relation to the amount of notice residents had been given as to when the Festival was taking place. A notice had been placed by the land owners, on the Dutton Village Facebook Page on the 5th July, although the Parish Council were not aware of the event until the 7th. As the Festival had been held on previous occasions with little detrimental effect, it was believed that this would be the same, and nothing to worry about.
However, the Festival brought with it around 750 caravans and motor homes, although the organisers did say they had been expecting around 2000! The influx of these vehicles had caused major disruption to the local highway infrastructure and many residents had been unable to get home or to their work place and other appointments. Caravans and portable toilets had been placed in close proximity to property boundaries and had caused immense distress to residents, some of which were elderly.
Although it was advertised as a Christian Festival, with no loud music, no alcohol or drugs, residents raised complaints of foul language; drug and alcohol abuse; damage to property; urination and defaecation in local fields and gardens; nudity; criminal damage to properties and to the local waterways; extensive litter dropping along the main road and surrounding areas. Gangs of youths had been intimidating and people feared for their own safety and that of their properties.
Residents had no faith in Mr Bloor and said he had no consideration for his neighbours. They felt he should have been proactive in offering apologies for all the issues this was causing. They also stated that they felt Mr Bloor should resign his position of Parish Councillor.
Cheshire West had been contacted on a number of points and after extensive investigation they did not believe that any regulations were being breached although they did state that they felt the land owner should have informed them of the event and they would have offered advice and guidance as good practice. They were also working with the organisers so they understood the concerns of the residents and to seek their co-operation in managing the event. The Police had also been informed and the situation would be kept under review.
One of the Festival Organisers, Mr Joseph Mitchell spoke to the meeting and offered his sincere apologies for the issues that residents were having. He did say that they ‘never’ knew how many people would attend and unfortunately this event had attracted some undesirables. He assured residents that all the matters that had been raised would be looked into and dealt with by the Marshalls on site and would ensure that the ongoing litter picks would continue and the site and surrounding areas would be cleared at the end of the Festival. CW had said they would liaise with the Organiser to make sure they were aware of the responsibilities to make sure all cleaning up matters were completed.
A question was raised in regards to the Risk Assessment of the site and the organiser said that this had been done but he was under no obligation to share this with the general public.
Mr Bloor did eventually apologise to residents for what was going on and admitted some naivety over the situation, but he also voiced his annoyance over some of the comments on the Dutton Village Facebook page, which he amounted to slander. He also stated that the Event would not take place again on his land.
An email has also been received from CW&C stating that a traffic management plan would be put in place around the Festival site on Thursday and Friday when the site was being vacated to hopefully alleviate some of the congestion issues which had occurred when the people had arrived.
Residents asked for a further meeting to be held which they requested be attended by representatives from CW&C, The Police and Fire Authorities and the Health & Safety Executive. The Clerk would make some enquiries in this regard.
5. To confirm the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting held on Wednesday 18th May 2022
- Land at Rear of Northwich Road / Japanese Knotweed Treatment – Councillor Bloor was still looking into a cost of clearing the land. The Clerk asked Councillor Brierley Jones if he would kindly liaise with Peter Bate with regards to the knotweed treatment. He agreed to do this.
- Queens Jubilee Celebrations – June 2022 – This had been a good event and enjoyed by all those who had attended. Julia Cooper from Whitley PC had contacted the Clerk stating that the Beacon (should they wish to use it) was being stored in the loft area of Whitley Village Hall. She also said that there was small amount of money left over from the event (£150 -£170). A balance sheet was to be produced and would be sent to Dutton for their records. However this would not be until September.
- Members Grant Application – Defib – Councillor Davenport was still waiting for the equipment but was booked on a training course.
- Hydrogen Pipeline – No more news had been received regarding this issue but the council was informed that a water course survey and soil samples were being taken.
- Service Yard, Bartington – It was noted that the yard was now being used again so it was presumed it had just changed hands.
- Northwich Road Residents Petition – An official response had been received from CW&C which had been sent directly to the residents who had raised the petition. It was stated that after investigation there were no current proposals to consider further reductions in speed limits in the area. The location, would however be monitored by the Road Safety Team. The Clerk was asked to contact the highways with a view to getting more or bigger signage, and maybe road paintings. Speed indicator devices were also suggested along with a Community Speed Management Programme.
- Parish Councillor Vacancies – 2 Vacancies were available and the Vacancy Notice would be posted on Monday 18th July. Residents were asked, if they were interested, to send their details and why they wanted to join the Parish Council via the Parish Council email duttonpc@btinternet.com
- The Police Commissioner had sent details of a Rural Crime Survey that would run throughout the summer. The Clerk would post details on the Parish Council Website. The link was www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ruralcrimesurvey2022
Demolition of existing garage and replacement with new double garage with external log store
Marsh Cottage Marsh Lane Dutton Northwich Cheshire WA4 4EY
Ref. No: 22/01358/FUL Status: Pending
Replacement of existing dwelling with one dwelling and detached garage and conversion of barns into two dwellings including demolition of modern agricultural buildings and additions
Dutton Park Farm, Lodge Lane, Dutton Northwich WA4 4HL
Ref. No: 22/01211/FUL Status: Awaiting decision
Ground floor rear infill extension
Oak Bank House Marsh Lane Dutton Northwich WA4 4JN
Ref. No: 22/00923/FUL Status: Awaiting decision
Alterations to windows and doors, addition of glazed window to utility room
The Dairy Nook Farm Marsh Lane Dutton Northwich WA4 4EU
Ref. No: 22/00237/FUL Status: Awaiting decision
Change the use of part of an agricultural field to a dog exercise area
Land At Marsh Lane Dutton Northwich
Ref. No: 21/04803/FUL Status: Awaiting decision
Non material amendment to 20/04525/FUL (Change of porch from brick to sandstone)
7 Whitley Brook Court Marsh Lane Dutton Northwich Cheshire WA4 4EY
Ref. No: 21/04753/NMA Status: Awaiting decision
Erection of a single storey side extension and new outbuilding
Nook Farm Marsh Lane Dutton Northwich WA4 4EU
Ref. No: 21/03899/LDC Status: Awaiting decision
Replacement Windows (Retrospective)
Marsh House Marsh Lane Dutton Northwich Cheshire WA4 4EY
Ref. No: 20/04468/LBC Status: Pending
7. Parish Council Risk Assessment
The Clerk gave her apologies but due to unforeseen circumstances she had been unable to do anything with this.
8. AOB
Flowers had been sent to Mrs Antrobus, from the Parish Council on the death of Bill. A donation of £50 had also been sent.
It was proposed and seconded that flowers be sent to ex Councillor Paula Brierley-Jones, for all her hard work and input during her time as Councillor. She would be greatly missed.
Councillor D Antrobus spoke to Councillor Gibbon to ask if she would speak to highways about the drain repairs on Higher Lane. He had had a site meeting to discuss but nothing had yet been done.
9. Financial Matters
The Clerk reported that 2 payments had been approved since the last meeting.
- Whitley Parish Council: £500.00 – Payment towards the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
- Mrs J Whalley: £86.34 – Purchase of Receipts and Payment Book
- A grant payment of £100 had been received from the County Councillor Members Grant Scheme. This had been put towards the Jubilee Celebrations.
Three payments to Mr Davenport were approved.
£50 Donation to Mrs Antrobus (on behalf of the Parish Council)
£40 Flowers to Mrs Antrobus
£40 Flowers to Paula Brierley-Jones
10. Date and Place of next meeting
7th September